Ancient plumb bob
Ancient plumb bob

 Bob: What is distinctive about the salmon in terms of their swimming pattern?īob:  Well, maybe we’re not going up there to die, but it does feel like we’re going against the current on what we’re going to be talking about today.Âĭennis:  Well, we have a guest who has been swimming against the stream Dr. Do you know what I mean?ĭennis: No, I don’t – going fishing?īob: Well, in some ways everything we do here is a little salmon like, but this one feels more salmon than any other program because we’re really…ĭennis: Bob, you and I usually can communicate!īob: But, you’re not picking this one up?ĭennis: All of the images that come to my mind are fishing perhaps our guest is fishy?

ancient plumb bob

Welcome to FamilyLife Today thanks for joining us. Today is going to be kind of what I think of as a salmon program.

ancient plumb bob

Mohler:  Most societies - in fact the historians Will and Ariel Durant looking at the entire scope of human history said, “That civilization is only possible when lust is banked like the high banks of the river to keep it from flood stage.” Well, we are in a society just as you indicated in which we have basically opened the dam. In terms of our entertainments, in terms of our consumer advertising, in terms of the songs that we hear, and the images that are put before us lust is now the drumbeat of the society that we know.Âīob: This is FamilyLife Today for Wednesday, September 23. Our host is the President of FamilyLife Dennis Rainey and I’m Bob Lepine. How do you uphold a biblical understanding of human sexuality when all around you everyone is screaming tear down the boundaries? We’ll talk with Dr. Man must be arched and buttressed from within, else the temple wavers to the dust.Dr.

ancient plumb bob

The character of God was the plumb line against which the ancient Israelites were measured. So just as it’s futile to argue with the law of gravity when considering a physical plumb line, it’s also futile to argue with Scripture when considering our spiritual plumb line. And the content of Scripture reveals the character of God. God’s word is the plumb line of our souls. The same holds true in the spiritual realm. Without the plumb line, the structural integrity of a building would be compromised. This provides something trustworthy to check whether or not vertical lines in building projects are true.

ancient plumb bob

When the string is held up with the weighted end hanging down, gravity ensures that the string is perfectly vertical. I will no longer ignore their sins.”Ī plumb line is a string with a weight tied to one end. In the Bible, in the book of Amos, the Lord used the analogy of a plumb line to admonish the Israelites of their sin, saying, “ I will test my people with this plumb line. Just as in the physical realm of life, faulty measuring devices will only create problems. When taking stock of your character, you have to base your assessments on the truth. Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves.

Ancient plumb bob